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where we are located

Torre Mendari rises a few kilometers from the sea, on the hills of the hinterland of Finale Ligure. This is the ideal place to relax away from the city stress and surrounded by the nature.


You can reach us by coming up from Finale Ligure, Noli or Spotorno, following the signs for the plateau of Le Manie.


The staff does not recommend the Isasco road (which starts from Varigotti), as it is rough and narrow.


Here you can find the correct location on Google Maps.




The hinterland of Finale Ligure is a protected area where you can find clear examples of Mediterranean scrub. The name "Torre Mendari" comes from the name of the geographical area on which the tourist village is located. 


"Looking at the beauty of nature is the first step in purifying the mind."

-(Amit Ray)

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